Lentus Composites operates a total quality culture. This means our business processes are focussed on delivering quality in every sense of the word.
Lentus’ new product introduction (NPI) process utilises tools based on aerospace and automotive standards. PFMEA, DFMEA, Control plans, risk registers, test plans, and inspection plans are just some of the tools used in the business processes. Lean techniques, 5S and training matrices are examples of the processes applied more widely across the business.
Quality is designed into the projects from the start through the design process and the manufacturing process development. Products then have quality built into them throughout the manufacturing process rather than inspecting quality at the end of manufacture.
Lentus has the business processes and the equipment to ensure the quality of parts to all of our customers, every time.
Lentus Composites, together with SST Technology provide an array of products and services; blending engineering disciplines and techniques to meet our client’s needs.
UK Office:
Horizon Technology Park, Stanton Harcourt Rd, Eynsham OX29 4GF
Polar Technology Management Limited (Company Reg No. 07861070 Registered office: 67 Hightown Rd, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9BE.)
Lentus Composites
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