As part of our expertise in advanced mechanical power transmission, Lentus Composites develop lightweight flexible drive couplings to enable end applications in the motorsport and automotive industries.
Drive couplings are used to connect two shafts together in order to transmit power and rotational motion. Our couplings can accommodate extreme speeds, torques and misalignment whilst using composite materials eliminates fatigue and fretting often seen in metallic equivalents.
Lentus Composites, together with SST Technology provide an array of products and services; blending engineering disciplines and techniques to meet our client’s needs.
UK Office:
Horizon Technology Park, Stanton Harcourt Rd, Eynsham OX29 4GF
Polar Technology Management Limited (Company Reg No. 07861070 Registered office: 67 Hightown Rd, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9BE.)
Lentus Composites
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